Home Energy Training

Would you like to assist by becoming a trained home energy inspector to provided customised advice to householders on a voluntary basis?

Register now as part of TRB’s Home Sweet Zero project funded by the Indigo Shire.

Home electrification and energy efficiency is an important part of the totally renewable pathway.

Totally Renewable Beechworth (TRB) is seeking expressions of interest for 5 participants to undertake a 3-day Home Energy Efficiency Training program, ‘Home Sweet Zero’. Thanks to funding from the Indigo Shire, the training will equip the 5 participants with the skills to inspect homes and advise residents on where their homes can be retrofitted with energy-saving measures. Training will be provided by Lucinda Flynn from 'Going Green Solutions', an accredited residential energy efficiency consultant.

Once trained, volunteers will be expected to assist TRB in their Winter Warm-Up Project which aims to support young families in the region to make their homes more energy efficient, thereby saving on energy bills and improving the health of the residents.

Successful applications will be chosen for their:

  • capacity and interest in volunteering for community projects

  • existing knowledge or skills of renewable energy

  • potential to understand the technical aspects of home inspections

  • engagement with community energy groups such as TRB, TRY or TRIN

Successful applicants will be required to have a Working with Children check completed prior to assessing houses.

If interested, please complete the form below. If we are oversubscribed there are likely to be future opportunities as the project expands with funding.


Winter Warm-up


Community Battery for Beechworth