Winter Warm-up

Supporting households to become more energy efficient with customised advice and support.

Our aim

To assist young families, or people who are struggling with the cost of living, with assistance in making their home more energy efficient (insulation, draft proofing etc.), removing gas as a heating/hot water fuel, changing electric hot water systems to heat pump systems using power during the day rather than night,

What we will do

With the community program money, we envisage helping 2, 3, or 4 families by providing information and financial support to make their households more efficient. This will reduce the families’ energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions, and keep them warmer in winter.  

Participating home owners will be offered a free energy inspection of their homes, undertaken by a trained volunteer. This will identify appropriate energy efficiency measures. Based on the families’ needs, home requirements and suitability, selected families will be offered financial support to implement some of the measure identified through the inspection. The initial information and investments made with financial support may be stage one of their household energy efficiency progress.


The project will target families with young children and mortgages. This a cohort particularly impacted by interest rate and other cost of living increases and is also a cohort that has been difficult for TRB to engage through our other activities. 

If you are interested in being a participant, please fill out the EOI form below.

Participants will need to support Indigo Power as a customer, be willing to share in our publicity with a case study of before and after information with photos, filmed interviews and general information about the measures implemented in their homes.


Home Sweet Zero